Some years before birth, advertise for a couple of parents belonging to long-lived families. —Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr. There is great variation in the longevity we see among people. We are all aware that a small percentage of people live to be over 100 years old, living much longer than the vast majority of us. […]
Read more Factors Which Correlate with Natural Longevity I
- body temperature, body weight, brain weight, carcinogens, DMBA, DNA, life expectancy, life span, longevity, PAH, selenium, SMR, Specific metabolic rate
interfere with PAH activation and/or binding to DNA, thereby reducing the amount of DNA damage done. Rate and accuracy of repair of ultraviolet (UV) light damage to DNA in seven mammalian species’ cultured fibroblasts correlates with maximum species life span. Repair of damage to DNA plays a vital role in retarding aging, although the importance […]
Read more Factors Which Correlate with Natural Longevity III
- acetaldehyde, air pollution, cancer, DNA, Dr. R. B. Setlow, Dr. Ronald W. Hart, enzyme, fibroblasts, free radicals, genetic disease, globulin, glutathione peroxidase, hemoglobin, life span, nitrogen oxide, ozone, PAH, peroxyacetylnitrile, progeria, skin erythema, SOD, superoxide dismutase, ultraviolet light, UV, Xeroderma pigmentosa