In senile degeneration the nerve-cells are surrounded by
neuronophages which absorb their contents and bring
about more or less complete atrophy.

—Elie Metchnikoff, The Prolongation of Life (1908)

Mind, mind alone,
Is light, and hope, and life, and power!

—Ebenezer Elliott (1833)

Your brain works because your-nerves talk to each other with chemicals called neurotransmitters that they make out of certain nutrients in the food you eat. Aging damages your brain in several different ways. For example, you make less of these neurotransmitters and become less sensitive to their effects.

The proper nutritional supplements can significantly slow aging in your brain. In fact, by taking more of the nutrients that your brain needs to make the neurotransmitters, you can restore your brain’s vital messengers to more youthful levels. Most surprising of all, the right nutritional supplements can measurably improve brain function in normal, young,
healthy people.

More people are concerned about senility (senile dementia, in medical terms) than about any other problem of aging. The prospect of mental degeneration to the point where you can hardly remember or learn anything, or taste, smell, hear, or see, or care whether you’re alive or dead is almost as dismaying as death. We have all seen aging friends or relations
to whom this has happened. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if senility could be prevented?

A lot can be done to prevent aging in the brain and even to partially reverse senility if this sad state has already happened to somebody you know. Recently, a great deal of understanding has been achieved in the ways that the brain performs its various functions and how aging decreases the
brain’s ability to do what is easy when we are young. Although there is still a great deal to be discovered, we now know several ways to keep our brains more youthful.

Scientists have discovered that the brain cells (neurons) communicate with each other via special chemicals called neurotransmitters, made by the brain cells. All learning, remembering, moving your body, sleeping, and emotions you feel depend upon the ability of your brain cells to produce
and deliver neurotransmitters to other brain cells as well as to respond to chemical messages from other brain cells. As your brain ages, the ability of your brain to make and respond to some of these vital messenger chemicals drops off. In some cases, we can increase the amounts of the deficient neurotransmitters, thus bringing function in aging brains up to young or near young adult levels.

Neurotransmitters are made by the brain from nutrient substances you eat in your food. For example, acetylcholine is a neurotransmitter which is important in the parts of the brain affecting primitive emotions like sex and the degree of responsiveness to outside stimuli (as in alertness versus sleep), and also plays a very important role in memory, learning, and
long-term planning. The brain makes acetylcholine from choline you get in your diet (in fish, for instance) and from lecithin, which also contains choline (as phosphatidyl choline). In one study, MIT students taking 3 grams of choline a day had an improved memory and ability to learn a list of words. In another study, 80 grams of lecithin a day produced similar re-
sults. Deaner® (Riker) is a prescription drug which the brain can also use to increase its supply of acetylcholine. Deaner® has been used with some success in the treatment of senility.

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