Inositol, a B vitamin, is a natural sugar known as muscle sugar and is a cell membrane stabilizer and antioxidant which has a protective effect on hair follicles, perhaps by protecting them from membrane damage caused by oxidized cholesterol in the scalp, or from destruction by clock-triggered lysosomes (proteolytic enzymes). Lysosomal membranes are principally
comprised of phosphatidyl inositol.

In some species of experimental animals, inositol deficiency causes hair loss and premature graying. In our small sample of human subjects, several grams of inositol alone per day generally noticeably reduced but did not entirely abolish hair loss. In a small percentage of cases, perhaps around 10
percent, there are reports of graying hair darkening back toward its original color.
PABA (p-aminobenzoic acid, para aminobenzoic acid) is also a B vitamin which is an antioxidant and membrane stabilizer. In some experimental animals, PABA retards hair loss and retards or even reverses premature graying. Our own human experiments typically involve doses of 1 to 3 grams per day and suggest a hair response like that obtained with inositol: a reduction in hair loss, no noticeable hair regrowth (at least when PABA is used alone), and a darkening of graying hair toward its original color in perhaps 10 percent of the cases.
Hair is about 8 percent cysteine in composition, so if you want your hair to grow faster, you should take a cysteine supplement. If you can’t find it in a health food or drug store as the pure amino acid, you can get some cysteine in eggs or egg powder, about 4 gram per egg.
CAUTION: High doses of cysteine can lead to increased cystine (the oxidized form of cysteine) unless high doses of vitamin C are taken to prevent possible formation of cystine bladder or kidney stones. We
recommend at least three times as much vitamin C as cysteine. One gram of cysteine plus 3 grams of vitamin C per day is a reasonable dose. Durk’s hair used to grow very slowly before he embarked on our experimental life extension program. By using a hair dye marker, he was recently able to
measure his hair growth rate—19.45mm in six weeks in most areas, and 9.525mm at the edge of the male pattern baldness areas.
The vitamin biotin, a growth factor and participant in fatty acid synthesis, seems to have prophylactic value in slowing hair loss. A biotin deficiency leads to hair falling out. People who like to eat foods or drinks containing raw egg should take biotin supplements because uncooked egg white contains avidin, an anti-biotin factor. Take your biotin supplement at least
six hours before or after you eat any raw egg white. In one series of tests of biotin in balding men, biotin was used instead of estrogen in a penetrating cream applied to the scalp.
The biotin cream (which also contained niacin, vitamin B-3, a histamine releaser) was applied daily at bedtime. The biotin content was 0.25 to 1.0 percent. Histamine release, such as is triggered by niacin, is essential for cell growth and reproduction. Histamine release causes a normally healing wound to become red and itchy. In addition, a shampoo which contained various conditioners to reduce hair breakage and cystine, cysteine, and methionine (amino acids in hair) was used three times a week. There were no side effects with the biotin. Within six to eight weeks, 89 percent of the nearly 1,200 men in the study (ranging in age from 15 to 69) showed
marked reduction in hair fallout, from losses of 100 to 350 hairs per day to a daily average loss of less than 50 hairs. Re-growth of hair also occurred in the biotin study. Although incomplete at the time the paper was published, preliminary data indicated that regrowth (150 to 200 19.45mm or longer
hairs per square inch in bald areas) occurred in about 50 to 75 percent of the subjects. Younger men in the study had better results.
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