For sexual performance, stamina can be increased by taking certain nutrients, including calcium pantothenate (vitamin B-5). Vasopressin, or antidiuretic hormone (ADH), has several known functions, including regulation of electrolytes, and urine volume and in very high intravenous doses, blood pressure. In low dosages (16 I.U. per day), it has been shown to stimulate memory and learning abilities in humans without
having any effect on blood pressure electrolytes, or urine volume. Since neither of us have high blood pressure, abnormally low daily urine volume, or angina pectoris, we have been experimenting with higher doses, though still well within the range of customary medical use. We have been using vasopressin daily in doses ranging up to 80 I.U. per day and have
noted its remarkable effects on memory and learning. Another effect we noticed that was not reported in the scientific literature is an intensification and prolongation of orgasms.
Since vasopressin is destroyed in the brain within an hour or two, you’ll need to take it fairly promptly before sex to get these effects. Fortunately, vasopressin begins to work within minutes. Vasopressin is available as a prescription nasal spray (Diapid®, Sandoz). Side effects include occasional nasal irritation (the spray is acidic because vasopressin is more stable in
acidic solution, and acids help open the blood-brain barrier) and gastrointestinal tract cramping (uncomfortable, but not dangerous); in people suffering from angina pectoris, vasopressin can precipitate angina attacks.
CAUTION: In the last condition, the use of vasopressin should be restricted.
Release of histamines from body stores is a requirement for achieving orgasm. Often, men and women who cannot reach orgasm respond to supplements of the vitamin niacin which causes release of these histamines. Histamine release during sexual excitation is what causes the sex flush described by Masters and Johnson (blushing in face, neck, shoulders,
chest, etc.). The histamine released by niacin results in this same flushing effect, whether there is sexual excitation or not.
Take niacin about fifteen minutes or a half hour before engaging in sex to enhance the natural sex flush that occurs when histamines are released in preparation for orgasm. The niacin-caused histamine release also causes the mucous membranes of mouth and sexual organs to secrete mucus,
which enhances the natural mucus formation in response to sexual. activity. Since vitamin B-6 is required to turn the amino acid histidine into histamine, supplements of B-6 and eating foods high in histidine (meats and cheeses, for example) may also be beneficial.

root, mugwort and tincture of marigold into an effective aphrodisiac.”
Some sexual problems can be traced to genital herpes virus infections. These infections are extremely common; in fact, genital herpes is now the number one venereal diseasein the United States. The infections can be very unpleasant, interfering with sexual pleasure by burning and itching, dulling sensation, and causing soreness. But herpes virus infections can be more serious than just ruining your fun, They can kill you. Herpes viruses have been associated with some forms of human cancer—in particular, cervical cancer, nasopharyngeal cancer, Burkitt’s lymphoma, and perhaps others.
It is a good idea not to allow genital herpes infections to persist. BHT (butylated hydroxytoluene) is an antioxidant used as a preservative in foods, rubber, plastics, fuels, and drugs. In recent experiments, BHT killed all tested small-nucleic-acid-core-diameter lipid (fatty) coated viruses, including herpes viruses. In animal feeding experiments (including rhesus
monkeys), BHT has a low toxicity. We know several people who have used BHT at our suggestion to control genital herpes virus infections—’, to 1 gram of BHT taken immediately before bed eliminated symptoms within a week. Then a maintenance dose of 1/4, to 1 gram per day taken just before bed prevents the reappearance of the infection. A clinical-research-oriented physician about BHT’s usefulness in cases of chronic herpes (both type I and/or II) infections. He has applied this BHT treatment to over one hundred human cases of chronic herpes (type I and/or II) with complete success and without detectable adverse side effects. He typically uses 2 grams per day for two weeks, repeating the treatment if the symptoms recur. Herpes viruses alter the DNA in persons infected by splicing copies of herpes DNA into their own DNA. The spliced herpes virus DNA instructs the victim’s cells to manufacture more herpes virus particles.
BHT destroys herpes viruses particles, probably by stripping off the protective lipid coat that conceals them from the immune system and nucleases (enzymes that break down nucleic acids) and that is required for them to be able to penetrate cell membranes. BHT cannot do anything about the herpes virus DNA that has been inserted into the infected
person’s DNA, so once you have herpes, you have it for life, but regular use of !/, to 1 gram of BHT per day can promptly destroy any free virus particles and prevent both overt signs of infection and communication of the disease.
CAUTION: Don’t take BHT with large amounts of alcohol or barbiturates—it intensifies their effects (but those doses of BHT mixed with either alcohol or barbiturates do not cause respiratory collapse, as a combination of alcohol and barbiturates can).
CAUTION: You should not assume that a decline in sexual functions or interest is necessarily due to the aging process. Diabetes mellitus is often undiagnosed and is a common cause of impotence in males. Infections and anemia are among the other causes. Therefore, see your doctor before
you embark upon our suggestions. With the help of your physician and improved nutrition, life extenders really can do it longer.
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