The dangers of birth control pill use have been grossly exaggerated. Note in the figure below that the mortality associated with birth control pills is lower than the mortality associated with the use of no birth control at all ages except for smokers over the age of 40. Up to the age of 30, risks are
low and about equal for the major birth control methods pill, IUD, diaphragm, condom, or first trimester abortion.
Risks are well below those for no fertility control. After 30, risks for nonsmoking pill users and those using traditional methods without abortion backup increase moderately. but remain well below health risks to women who use no fertility control at all.
Pill users should also take nutritional antioxidant supplements, since both B-6 and C levels are known to be reduced in pill users. The increase observed in cardiovascular problems in users of birth control pills who are older and who smoke is to be expected; aging, smoking, and the pill
each cause a lowering of B-6 and C serum levels. The combination of these three risk factors can lead to a hazardous B- 6 and C deficiency. B-6 and C deficiency leads to such cardiovascular problems, and such pre-existing problems can be corrected (at least partially) in experimental animals. with
B-6 and C supplements.
Many people in middle age or later suffer from a depressed sex drive due to an excess of the hormone prolactin. Many cases of male impotency (20 to 25 percent) stem from this cause. Most people suffering from this problem have no signs of breast enlargement or lactation; only a clinical test
measuring prolactin levels can tell for sure. Two common symptoms of excess prolactin in males are prostate problems and tender, painful, varicose, or atrophied testes. Bromocriptine (Parlodel®, Sandoz) in doses of 1.25 to 2.5 milligrams per day, or GABA (the amino acid gamma amino butyric acid, an inhibitory neurotransmitter), in doses of 20 to 40 milligrams per day held under the tongue, is sometimes effective. The
prescription drug and amino acid L-Dopa, at ‘/%, to 4 gram per day (just before bed), is useful.
The amino acids phenylalanine and tyrosine (found especially in meats and cheeses) are precursors of (chemically converted to) NE (norepinephrine, the brain’s version of adrenalin) and dopamine in the brain. When people are depressed, they almost always lose interest in sex. Phenylalanine is one of the most effective (and possibly the safest) known antidepressant. In doses of 100 to 500 milligrams a day for two weeks, most types of depression (postamphetamine, schizophrenic, endogenous, etc.) are completely relieved. And, of course, sexual interest may be revived. Supplements of vitamins B-6 and C are required for best results.

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