Hydergine® can also be of value in hypoglycemia because it helps stabilize the brain’s response to energy supply—the brain is normally the part of the body most sensitive to low blood sugar. People who are unable to obtain adequate oxygen because of heavy smoking (the carbon monoxide destroys the oxygen-carrying hemoglobin in the blood and the oxidants can cause emphysema by cross-linking lung tissue), air pollution, or lung diseases can help maintain normal brain energy output with Hydergine®.
In an Italian clinical trial studying the effects of Hydergine® on patients with cerebral arteriosclerosis, the symptoms reported to be significantly improved included headache, dizziness, tinnitus (ringing in the ears), and visual and memory disorders. No side effects were observed at the dose of Hydergine® used (two times daily 300 micrograms of Hydergine®
injected intramuscularly for 10 days followed by three times daily 1 milligram Hydergine® orally for the following 10 days).
In France, an indication for the use of Hydergine® is “reanimation,” meaning that it can be used to bring very recently dead persons back to life in conjunction with other methods. The basis for this is that, in conditions where oxygen is not adequately supplied to the brain, normally irreversible
free radical brain damage begins to occur after about five minutes. However, if Hydergine® can be injected into the carotid artery within a few minutes after death, the brain will not begin to suffer irreversible damage for about thirty minutes. Closed-chest cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) circulates both Hydergine® and more oxygen to the brain.
Since Hydergine® is a powerful stabilizer of brain metabolism as measured by EEG energy output, French doctors administer it to preoperative
patients so that if a crisis such as cardiac arrest occurs while they are on the operating table, the doctors will have more time to handle the situation before they have to worry about brain damage.
The FDA-approved dose of Hydergine® in the United States is 3 milligrams a day; in Europe, the typical dose is 9 milligrams a day. Dramatic effects will probably not be achieved below the typical European dose.
If you use the oral form of Hydergine®, you should know that 20 percent
will be eliminated in the feces, another 40 percent will be destroyed in the liver, leaving only 40 percent left for the rest of the body, including the brain. The sublingual form gets much more Hydergine® into the brain. However, alcoholics probably should use both oral and sublingual forms because the Hydergine® that gets into the liver provides some protection against the toxic effects of acetaldehyde (a product of alcohol metabolism in the liver). As with all drugs, including nutrients, it is usually best to start at a low dose (perhaps a 1- milligram sublingual tablet a day to start) and increase the daily dose gradually. Although Hydergine® has no toxic effects, annoying nausea or headache may occasionally occur if too much is taken too soon.
The use of caffeine in conjunction with Hydergine® is safe, but it does lead to strong potentiation of caffeine’s effects. If you develop headache, insomnia, or a “wired” overstimulated feeling, simply discontinue coffee, tea, and cola drinks, at least for a few days.
In a recent study, 12 milligrams a day of Hydergine® (sublingual form) for two weeks resulted in improved performance in normal human volunteers on a variety of tasks requiring alertness and cognitive abilities. As mentioned earlier, although some improvement with Hydergine® is nearly immediate, the full benefits that result, we believe, from increased neurite growth may take from a few months to two years to manifest themselves. We have heard of three cases of improvement in sensory function, two involving hearing loss and another involving a man who had had no sense of smell from as early as he could remember to his mid-30s. In one case a man of 32 who had had an inner-ear infection at the age of 12 had suffered severe hearing losses (up to about 90 decibels at mid to high frequencies) in both ears. After taking sublingual Hydergine® for a few months at doses of 12 to 20 milligrams and occasionally more per day, he started hearing high-pitched sounds he hadn’t been able to hear for about twenty years. In fact, he had to move to a different neighborhood because the old one now sounded too noisy.
The other case of hearing loss was a woman of 36 who had had 6,600-
rad X-ray radiation treatment for a salivary-gland tumor. The radiation had severely damaged her inner ear and auditory nerve, although her doctors had not warned her of this side effect of the radiation. Shortly after completing the 6,600-rad X-ray radiation treatment, she experienced tinnitus (ringing) in first one ear and then the other. Eventually her right ear became profoundly deaf to high frequencies, even at levels over 90 decibels, and there was a major loss in her left ear as well. Although her hearing is still below normal, she can hear higher frequencies now after several months of taking 12 to 20 milligrams:a day of sublingual Hydergine®. As for the man who was born without a sense of smell, he began taking Hydergine® to improve his mental function and retard brain aging, not thinking that it might have any influence on his missing sense of smell. Before starting Hydergine® therapy he couldn’t even smell ammonia, although he felt the burning irritation it caused in his nasal passages. After using 12 milligrams a day of sublingual Hydergine® for a few months, he
could smell a banana after peeling it and could not only smell acetone and rubbing alcohol but even discriminate between them—a particularly impressive distinction because these two aromas are quite similar.
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