The mind so strongly depends on temperament and the
disposition of bodily organs, that if it is possible to find
some means which will make men generally more wise
and more clever than they have been till now, I believe
that it is in medicine one should seek it. . . . It is true that
the medicine now practiced contains few things having so
remarkable a usefulness. But, without having any intention
of scorning it, I am confident that there is no one, even
among those whose profession it is, who does not admit
that everything already known about it is almost nothing
in comparison with what remains to be learned, and that
people could be spared an infinity of diseases, both bodily
and mental, and perhaps even the weakening of old age, if
the causes of those troubles and all the remedies with
which nature has provided us were sufficiently well

—René Descartes, Discourse on Method (1637)

Are there nutrients and prescription drugs which can improve memory and learning abilities in normal healthy people. Yes, there certainly are. We even have a fair understanding of how some of these biochemicals work in the brain. Imagine what would be possible for you if you were more intelligent. Well, this is no dream. Whether you are young or old, you can improve your mental function right now by following the suggestions given in this chapter.

In natural aging, your mental functions decline along with other bodily processes. In fact, many people are more concerned about senility than about any other infirmity of age. It is particularly sad to see once alert and active parents, relatives, or friends become confused, forgetful, and apathetic. Advancing senility is truly a type of living death in which a once intelligent and alert person gradually turns into a shuffling zombie. Fortunately it is possible with present knowledge to avoid substantially or to delay the natural mental and emotional ravages of aging and.even to partially reverse some of the aging damage that may already have occurred in the brain.

CAUTION: Before you assume that any declining mental functions are really due to your age, be sure to consult with your doctor. Increasing forgetfulness, being “too tired” to learn something new, and other symptoms may in fact be due to other conditions such as anemia and diabetes mellitus. If you practice “self-diagnosis,” you might be wrong and neglect an important medical disorder. Diagnosis is definitely for professionals.

There are over a dozen chemicals that have been demonstrated to improve animal and/or human intelligence (learning and data processing in particular types of tasks). These include RNA (ribonucleic acid), Isoprinosine® (Newport Pharmaceuticals International, Inc.), vasopressin (Diapid® nasal spray, made by Sandoz), Hydergine® (Sandoz), PRL-8-53,
L-prolyl L-leucyl glycine amide (three amino acids strung to gether to form a tripeptide), Deaner® (Riker), lecithin, choline, amphetamines and related compounds, magnesium pemoline (Cylert® by Abbott), diphenylhydantoin, Ritalin® (Ciba), vitamin B-12, ACTH 4-10, Nootropyl® (piracetam), Modafinil, caffeine, Metrazol®, and strychnine (the last two are extremely dangerous).

There are others, but these compounds are the most interesting to us. Many of them have been used successfully to reverse some manifestations of brain aging in humans. This is due to the fact that some mechanisms of brain aging involve reduction in the quantity and availability of—or receptor sensitivity to—certain brain chemicals. Supplements of these natural brain chemicals or their analogs (similar molecules) or their precursors (molecules that the brain can convert into chemicals it needs) can sometimes be used to replace the missing compounds, resulting in improved mental function. Even in young persons, supplies of neurochemicals are limited—they are costly for the body to make—and mental performance can sometimes be substantially improved by taking such supplements.

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