Pathway for synthesis and metabolism of serotonin.
In similar studies in rats, life extension was produced by giving oxytocin alone. Low acetylcholine levels contribute to the forgetfulness and lack of ability to concentrate which often occurs in old age. The cholinergic nervous system also controls the sensory input; too little acetylcholine and
you are easily distracted by stimuli in your environment, whether you are trying to think (loss of concentration) or sleep (awakening too easily). In addition, too low acetylcholine levels cannot support normal motor (muscular activity) control, and coordination and motor response falter. The cholinergic nervous system in the body keeps mucous membranes lubricated and moist; without adequate acetylcholine levels in body tissues, the mucous membranes become dry, more easily irritated, infected, and damaged. Finally, acetylcholine is an important motivational chemical, along with the catecholamines.
The limbic or primitive part of the brain (the so-called “reptile brain”) uses all three neurotransmitters mentioned above. Here is where the primitive drives and emotions, such as sex, are controlled. A too-low level of any of these neurotransmitters leads to loss of sex interest. It is thought that the
catecholamines are involved in regulation of the release of the aphrodisiac polypeptide hormone LHRH by the hypothalamus (a master gland in the brain).

An example of a dopaminergic deficiency disease is Parkinsonism, where inadequate dopamine (or insensitivity of receptors to available dopamine) results in loss of fine motor control, with symptoms such as uncontrollable tremor, especially of the limbs. L-Dopa, which can be chemically converted by the brain into dopamine and norepinephrine, is an effective treatment for Parkinsonism in most cases. Bromocriptine (Parlodel®, Sandoz), another dopaminergic stimulant, is also effective, particularly when used in conjunction with L-Dopa. (L-Dopa and its metabolic product, dopamine, are subject to autoxidation. We think it likely that Parkinson’s disease is caused by dopamine autoxidation damage to the dopaminergic nerves, perhaps initiated) by a peroxidative autoimmune attack. Parkinson patients often gradually deteriorate; we suspect that this deterioration could be prevented or reduced with adequate antioxidants. It is unwise to take L-Dopa without a dietary supplement of antioxidants.) Bromocriptine plus about half of the usual dose of L-Dopa in Parkinson patients seems to frequently result in less long-term degeneration, and sometimes seems to lead to repairs of such damage. Bromocriptine is closely chemically related to Hydergine® and may be a potent antioxidant too. Vitamin C has been shown to prevent the autoxidation of L-Dopa.
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