- Selenium, a mineral, is an important trace element in immune system function. It has been found in experimental animals to act as an anti-carcinogen and anti-mutagen (can prevent DNA mutations—undesired alterations of your DNA master blueprint in the presence of some mutagenic agents). Selenium is an essential part of your enzyme called glutathione peroxidase, which is important in preventing damage by peroxides like those formed by the abnormal (free radical) oxidation of body fats and oils. Peroxidized fats are immune system suppressants, mutagens, carcinogens, cross-linkers; and compounds like hydrogen peroxide, which have a -O-O-H
chemical group, are implicated as sources of damage that contribute to aging. Macrophages, a type of white blood cell, are inhibited in the presence of peroxidized fats from attacking, killing, and eating harmful bacteria and other enemies. Preventing or slowing the creation of peroxidized fats helps our immune system function more effectively.

sheep red blood cells which are bound by
the specific surface receptors.
Cytocentrifuged preparation. This is a
test of immune function; the more sheep
red blood cells bound, the greater the
immune response.
- Vitamin C is a demonstrated immune stimulant, although its mechanisms of action are not well understood. We do know that Vitamin C increases the activity of certain white blood cells which patrol the body for invaders like bacteria, viruses, and cancer cells. Vitamin C also increases the quantity of interferon, a hemotherapeutic substance made in the lymphocytes (white cells) and fibroblasts (connective tissue cells) and used against these invaders. Vitamin C in supple ments of 10 grams per day has been reported to extend life spans of terminal cancer patients who had not undergone immune-suppressing chemotherapy by an average of over four times. Vitamin C has produced beneficial effects in the aortas of rabbits fed a high-cholesterol diet followed by a diet containing both high cholesterol and vitamin C. The dose used was 100 milligrams of vitamin C per kilogram of body weight of the rabbits. Note that rabbits, unlike humans, can manufacture their own vitamin C in their liver, yet additional vitamin C supplements were very useful in the very high-cholesterol diet.
Many of the materials used in these experiments are readily available and safe for use in humans at the proper dosage, especially vitamins E, A, and C, and the minerals zinc and selenium. The amino acids arginine, ornithine, and cysteine and the enzymes trypsin, bromelain, and papain may be
less easy to find, but all are nutrients which can occasionally be found in health food stores.
Scientists are working on an even more extraordinary improvement in immune system functions. Dr. Takashi Makiodan was able to revitalize the immune functions of old mice to levels approaching those of young adult mice by injecting them with young mouse stem cells (the multi-purpose immune cells which can be matured into T-cells according to thymus gland instructions) and grafting young thymus tissues. It seems a future practical possibility that people could store some of their own antifreeze-protected stem cells and thymic tissue in liquid nitrogen while they are young, then utilize these materials later when their immune systems have declined, to restore immune capacities. Use of such frozen tissues and cells is not presently feasible for humans, however, and more research is needed. The hormone thymosin that biochemist Allan L. Goldstein extracted from thymus gland material (from calves in meat-packing plants) can improve the immune system in many sick or old animals and people. It has produced benefits in people suffering from a wide range of diseases resulting from immune incompetence, including cancer, systemic lupus, erythematosus, primary immunodeficiency, leukemia, and allergy.

and a day.”
Scientists have succeeded in synthesizing thymosin, and procedures for its manufacture have been developed. FDA restrictions are the final block to
its wider use and availability.
How do you know that you have stimulated your own immune system and by how much? This is an extremely important question. After all, no one responds exactly like anyone else. You can find out by having specific clinical laboratory tests done on yourself before and after you use supplements for immune system stimulation. You can find out more about
your immune system by using only one new supplement at a time (you’ll know where the changes are coming from). How ever, the tests are well worth doing even if you take several new supplements at once.
There are several possible choices of tests, ranging in price and in the particular aspect of the immune system to be tested.
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