Longevity is only desirable if it increases the duration of
youth, and not that of old age. The lengthening of the
senescent period would be a calamity.
—Alexis Carrel, Man the Unknown (1935)
Nothing is too wonderful to be true.
—Michael Faraday
Many people fear that an extended life span would mean
even more time spent in the decrepit, bedridden, barely alive
tail end of life. But this fear is unrealistic. Life-extended animals spend more time in the youthful and healthy middle-aged parts of life, not in old age. Life extension techniques can improve both the quality and quantity of our lives.
Many people want to know why they should spend any
time, effort, and money to extend their lives when they have
no guarantee of ever reaching an extended life span. Even if
your judgment in choosing life extension methods is perfect,
you might get run over by a truck tomorrow! Our reply to this
objection is that you have no guarantee of achieving an especially long life span, but your chances can be increased over
your present chances by acting now, without excessive expense. In addition, as we have mentioned before, life extension techniques will improve the quality of your present life
as well as the quality and quantity of your life in the future.
Perhaps you will survive that serious truck accident if you are
taking megadoses of vitamin C (ten grams a day, for example).
Laboratory experiments have shown that anesthetized guinea
pigs, given an injection of at least 100 milligrams of vitamin
C per kilogram (2.2 pounds) of body weight after receiving
crushing injuries to their legs, always survived the injury even
when all untreated guinea pigs (not given extra vitamin C
after injury) died. Do you live in a smoggy area? When rats
were exposed continuously to a toxic level of one part per mil-
lion of ozone, vitamin E (dl-alpha-tocopherol acetate) added
to the diets of one group of the rats, at a level of 100 milli-
grams E to each kilogram of food daily, extended their lives
to an average of 2.3 times that of the untreated rats.
What about the effects of pollution and toxic chemicals in
your food? Again, you can protect yourself from damage by
using substances which may have life-extending capabilities.
Vitamin C, for example, can block formation of carcinogenic
(cancer-causing) nitrosamines formed from nitrites or nitrates
and amines found in foods. In fact, many food manufacturers
who use nitrites or nitrates as inhibitors of botulism and aflatoxin organisms in bacon and other meats have been also adding ascorbate (another name for vitamin C).
Are you under a great deal of stress? Pantothenic acid, or
another form of this vitamin called calcium pantothenate,
can greatly increase resistance to stress, in both humans and
experimental animals. This same vitamin (B-5) has been found
to increase mouse life span by 20 percent when fed in a quantity of 12 milligrams per kilogram of body weight per day
(comparable to about one gram per day for an adult human).
You do not have to choose between quality and quantity
of life. If you’re smart, you can choose both.
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