Some people try to achieve immortality through their
offspring or their works. I prefer to achieve immortality by
not dying.

—Woody Allen

In order to decide intelligently between different possible life
extension methods, you require knowledge of the benefits and
the costs of a range of life extension choices. Benefit-versus-cost information is ultimately judged in the context of primary data, such as your own values and desires, the resources
(time and money) you are willing to invest in this project,
and the risks you are willing to take to achieve your goals.
Nothing is risk-free, but it is possible to have reasonably good
information on levels of risk versus levels of benefits for
many life extension therapies. You can choose the levels of
risk and benefit you are willing to accept.

In any decision-making process, there are two basic kinds
of errors you can make: (1) You take action which does not
yield the benefits you expected, and (2) You do not take ac-
tion even though you would have benefited if you had acted.
Depending upon your beliefs, you can make errors of com-
mission (acting in error) or omission (not acting).

Generally, in an area of rapidly increasing knowledge
(such as life extension technology), most people prefer to wait
for other people (the least conservative ones) to be the guinea pigs, wait for the reports of results, and then decide. This is
possible in life extension therapies for evaluating the possible
side effects of treatments, as well as seeing the more immediate benefits. But the actual amount of human life span increase cannot be known precisely in advance; it can only be
roughly estimated based on the results of animal experiments
and the effects of the therapies on known human aging mechnisms. The final figure for life extension benefits, the actual
increase in life span, will not be known until people have attained these greatly advanced ages. That is why short-lived
animals have been used in life extension experiments; we
don’t want to have to wait many decades for the end of the

Because of the inherent uncertainty of the actual number
of years of increased human life span, people will probably
tend to undervalue the benefits of life extension therapies.
However, as we have discussed, life extension is not just a way
of increasing numbers of years at the end of life but of im-
proving the quality of life now. For example, by choosing to
take large doses of vitamin E (a few hundred to 2,000 IU per
day), you improve your immune system’s ability to fight bacterial and viral infections and cancer. It isn’t difficult to realise that something which can increase your life span must be
improving your present physiological functions as well, either
by increasing present capabilities or by decreasing the rate of
their decline with time.

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