Scientists, as-well as the lay public, have differing views of the problems of aging. Most scientists specializing in gerontology study old people and their behavior. Only about 10 percent of American gerontologists funded by the government are engaged in research on biological aging processes.
This proportion represents a fundamental division in this science. Funds used for social and psychiatric studies of old people cannot be used to study the biology of aging. At present, only a small percentage of public funds earmarked for “aging” are actually used for biological studies.
Scientists who are involved in gerontology can be further
divided into groups designated as meliorists, incrementalists, and immortalists.
The meliorists are social gerontologists who aim to make old age as comfortable and pleasant as possible.
Incrementalists are biologists and clinicians who hope to eliminate the degenerative diseases of old age, thus expanding the healthy life span to its maximum natural genetic potential (around 110 years). This approach is sometimes called “squaring the curve,” because if all these diseases were eliminated, people would tend to die suddenly at the end of their lives
without a prolonged period of decline.
The immortalists are scientists who would like to increase healthy human life span beyond 110 years of age.

We belong to both the incrementalist and immortalist category The multidimensional nature of aging—and the consequent difficulty in developing an overall picture of aging—has greatly hindered the development of the science of gerontology. You have to be able to define a goal in order to be able to pursue it rationally. To solve a difficult problem like aging, it is necessary to break the problem down into smaller parts. We do not have to solve all these smaller problems at once in order to benefit from research that has been achieved in some of them. As we shall see in later chapters, there are many practical ways now available that will enable you to slow or even partially reverse many of your aging processes.
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