Athletics: Improving Your Performance with Nutrients II

In order to increase stamina with citric acid cycle food acids, doses of a few grams to several grams are required. The compounds are water soluble and, therefore, are excreted rapidly from the body. In our personal experiments, we have taken them every three or four hours for the duration of the athletic performance. » […]

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Life Extenders Do It Longer: Sex and Aging II

The prescription drug Deaner® and the nutrients choline and lecithin increase brain levels of acetylcholine, which also may stimulate sexual activity. Such sexual stimulation is rarely seen in people in their teens or 20s but is a fairly common reaction to these substances after the age of 40. Acetylcholine is also a chemical transmitter that […]

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Life Extenders Do It Longer: Sex and Aging I

In spring a young squirrel’s fancy turns because the days are getting longer, and exposure to longer light periods sets off a chain reaction involving the brain and pituitary gland, resulting in release of hormones that affect sex hormone levels and in turn cause the sex glands to enlarge and produce their sex hormones. —Joseph […]

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Sleep and Aging II

Serotonin is a neurotransmitter which has important inhibitory functions in the brain, to prevent excess nervous stimulation at night so that sleep can occur. It is also a growth hormone releaser. Old people do not make as much serotonin as younger people. This is an important part of aging problems in sleep patterns. What can […]

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Depression, Helplessness, and Aging IV

A deficiency of acetylcholine, another neurotransmitter, can also lead to depression. Deaner®, a prescription drug, increases acetylcholine levels in the brain. It is both an active analogue and a precursor of acetylcholine and is effective in many old people as an antidepressive—it reduces apathy and increases motivation, as well as improving memory and learning in […]

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Revitalizing Your Brain Power II

For each neurochemical there is an optimal amount which differs for every individual. Above or below this amount, mental function will not improve markedly or will even decrease. Drug effects may be subtle at first, requiring a period of learning for full realization of its benefits. The schematic diagram here shows how neurotransmitters carry messages […]

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The Decline of Your Brain’s Chemical Messengers IV

Pathway for synthesis and metabolism of serotonin. In similar studies in rats, life extension was produced by giving oxytocin alone. Low acetylcholine levels contribute to the forgetfulness and lack of ability to concentrate which often occurs in old age. The cholinergic nervous system also controls the sensory input; too little acetylcholine and you are easily […]

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